
Jiangsu Rural Wastewater Integration Project

Processing scale: 10 tons/day -200 tons/day Treatment process: MBBR+ceramic membrane MBR Effluent water quality: Grade A standard in the "Emission Standard of Pollutants for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB18918-2002) Project features: Ceramic membrane MBR system treats domestic sewage compared with the traditional technology. It has a high effluent standard, a small footprint, The technical advantages of low operating cost, small amount of remaining sludge, and long-term stable compliance with standards.
Product serial number
Processing scale: 10 tons/day -200 tons/day
Treatment process: MBBR+ceramic membrane MBR
Effluent water quality: Grade A standard in the "Emission Standard of Pollutants for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB18918-2002)
Project features: Ceramic membrane MBR system treats domestic sewage compared with the traditional technology. It has a high effluent standard, a small footprint,
                   The technical advantages of low operating cost, small amount of remaining sludge, and long-term stable compliance with standards.
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Service Hotline


General Manager Cao: 013952544393
Manager Zhang:018652587352
Manager Pan:015394638968
Manager Yang:015895721299
Address: Xinshi Road, Shaobo Industrial Park, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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Jiangsu Xinshi Membrane Technology Co., Ltd.  苏ICP备19034379号-1 Powered by